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Certified Emotional Intelligence in Leadership – CEIL

Emotion Intelligence in Leadership & Agility

In the fast lane of business life today, people spend more time on computers, smartphones, and conference calls than they do in face-to-face communication. We’re expected to piece together broken conversations, cryptic voicemails, and abbreviated text messages to figure out how to proceed. In this increasingly complex web, emotional intelligence is more important than ever before.  

Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. 

Emotional intelligence is an extremely important skill for personal and professional success.

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Upcoming Training

Type & DeliveryInstructor NameDateCost & Registration
Online / VirtualJatin SanghaviApril 12-13, 06:30 PM – 10:30 PM IST
(Weekend, 2 Sessions, 4 hrs each day)
Enroll Now
Online / VirtualJatin SanghaviApril 19-20, 06:30 PM – 10:30 PM IST
(Weekend, 2 Sessions, 4 hrs each day)
Enroll Now

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Agility

If you have never heard of emotional agility, the term emotional intelligence in leadership and agility might come as a surprise to you. Today most organizations rely largely on the performance of leaders and the way they treat their peers. By knowing the difference in inculcating proper emotional intelligence while working with people, a professional can be true to their emotions while knowing the art of controlling how emotions play their role in a professional environment.

At Coach2Reach India, experienced coaches facilitate highly interactive and encouraging sessions that help professionals understand emotional intelligence and leadership skills. The instructors also help professionals learn how the interconnected nature of emotional intelligence, leadership, and agility can build a successful leader.


Jatin Sanghavi

A dynamic, energetic, results-oriented IT Leader with 21+ years of expertise in Business and Technology, including extensive experience in hands-on coaching, project management

Who should attend? 

Leaders in an organization are always required to have better control while suppressing negative thoughts in the corporate realm. The sessions created by Coach2Reach India to help professionals gain the understanding of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Agility are best suited for the following leaders in an organization. 

  • From assistant to CEO
  • Managers and Leaders in human resources teams
  • Professionals dealing with employee/employer relationships
  • Anyone exercising an administration or management role in an organization

What will you learn? 

The training sessions available at Coach2Reach India aim to cover all the elements of emotional intelligence. The instructors design the course curriculum by breaking down every element of emotional intelligence, leadership, and agility with a contextual definition for professionals. The 7 most important emotional intelligence traits that are covered in the sessions include the following:

  • Calmness and Focused Approach
  • Clear Vision 
  • Adaptive resilience
  • Effective Communication 
  • Empathy 
  • Compassion 
  • Hope and vision for the future

How will it benefit? 

Emotional intelligence is crucial for all leaders who are administering and managing crowds and groups of people at an organization. They require thinking of emotional intelligence as a toolkit and a collection of faculties that they can harness to skilfully manage relationships in teams and regulate emotions at a workplace.

All organization requires leaders to showcase a tactful approach while applying the important traits of confidence and resilience. Being a leader in an organization practicing emotional intelligence, you will benefit in the following ways.

  • Make more controlled and thought through emotionally charged decisions
  • Stop making choices based on emotions or gut feelings
  • Understand the origin and source of emotions
  • Handle cross-cultural and global teams with relevant communication 
  • Increasing the complexity of interactions of emotions
  • Learn how to express emotions in a corporate setting 
  • Understanding, expressing and managing, good relationships
  • Solving problems under pressure

For emotional intelligence to be effective in leadership and agility, it has to start with yourself. You cannot enhance the well-being and improvement of other people without understanding the ways to operate and control yourself on an emotional level.

So, join the other leaders on Coach2Reach India to and work on the skills to develop a more efficient and powerful workplace.